Get a personally signed copy and message with Ron’s book—just for you or someone who could benefit from it.
Although written a few years ago, the insights and tools inside remain just as relevant today. After all, real-life lessons and practical wisdom never expire.
Many people were surprised to learn that Ron is an author, and once they found out, they wanted a copy. While the book typically sells for $19.99 on Amazon, we’re doing something different.
You can read a sample, view cover and back and more details by clicking here.
At Back Forty Farms, our mission is to nourish both body and soul. This book is a powerful tool to help cultivate a clearer mindset, and we want to get it into as many hands as possible. That’s why we’ve reduced the price to the absolute lowest—just enough to cover costs. We’re not here just to make a profit; we’re here to make a difference.
Ron likes to joke, "It’s an easy read—I don’t know any big words!" But in all seriousness, this book has the potential to add real value to your life.
Grab your copy today and start your journey toward a clearer, more purposeful mindset!
Use promo code "RONSBOOK" at checkout to have free shipping for this product—or skip the code, and your shipping cost will go toward supporting our mission. Either way, we truly appreciate your support!
You can read a sample from the book and more details by clicking here.
You can also read a short article by clicking here, complete with pictures.
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